ecosystm2 - Navigation

In ecosytm, your representation (known as an Avatar), is a bird physically identical to all the birds in your flock, but is easily identified by additional ploomage called The Crown.  For added ease of identification, Avatar birds are highlighted.

All flocks have an Avatar bird.  Some may be under the control of other players, others are controlled by Behavior.

You navigate your Avatar bird through ecosystm using the keyboard and/or a standard gamepad.  When "really playing" ecosystm, you will likely stick to the keyboard for quick access to behavioral switching.

  • To steer, use the Arrow keys.
  • Hold the Shift key down, press the Up or Down Arrow keys to look up or look down
  • Hold the Ctrl key down, press the Up or Down Arrow keys to zoom in or zoom out.
This is a standard gamepad layout, the primary interface if you just want to tour around ecosystm.  The thumb switch on the left steers your flock through the environment.  The buttons on the right change your viewpoint.  The zoom and look buttons in combination with the thumb pad allow you to zoom in and out from your Avatar Bird, and look up or down.  The change flock button selects a random flock in the environment that you can control.  Note that you can control only your flock and offspring flocks in ecosystm.  A flock originally created by another player can only be controlled by that player.