Tech questions or problems:
support@cityarts.comMinimum System Requirements:
Pentium II 300 Mhz
64 Meg RAM
OpenGL graphics card with 16 Meg RAM
Windows98/2000/XPTo play online, you must disable any firewall software or the connection cannot be established. However, you can still play glasbead offline with firewalls enabled.
The entire structure can be spun by flinging the ball at the core with a click and drag motion. Each "stem" can be flung individually around this core. The "bell" or "flower" stems each have a sample sound file attached (click on a file in the list on the right, then click on a "bell" stem inside glasbead). when a hammer stem comes in contact with a bell stem, the sample plays. The volume of the sample can be set by spinning its ring (near the core, click and drag). The pitch of the sample can be set with the same ring, hold down the keyboard "Z" key. Press and hold the space bar to bring the entire structure to a stop.Any .wav files contained in the glasbead directory will appear in the list in glasbead application. If there are files you would like to play, copy them to the glasbead directory. The files can be CD quality sound files (16 bit, 44 kHz, stereo) however its best to use 22 kHz 8 bit files for multiuser internet play. When a sound is loaded into a stem, it is automatically uploaded to the file server and distributed to others online.
There are no restrictions to the type and content of samples you can submit, I ask only that you keep your samples under one megabyte. 32 individual samples can exist in glasbead at any moment, and different samples can be instantly loaded by right clicking on the bell stems.